Embark on a culinary journey through the heart of Poland with our handpicked selection of authentic flavors and traditional delicacies. From savory pierogi to hearty soups, and from aromatic kielbasa to indulgent pastries, our collection celebrates the diverse and vibrant tastes of Polish cuisine.
BEST BEFORE: 31.01.2024 Borsch - vegetable vegetable soup. He is loved not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in Poland (Barsch), Lithuania (barschchiai), Romania and Moldova (Borsh).
Borsch - vegetable vegetable soup. He is loved not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in Poland (Barsch), Lithuania (barschchiai), Romania and Moldova (Borsh).
Borsch - vegetable vegetable soup. He is loved not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in Poland (Barsch), Lithuania (barschchiai), Romania and Moldova (Borsh).